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Utility Partner Program

For the first time in 11 years, the hole in the ozone is increasing, and many believe the largest culprits are old, improperly recycled refrigerators.  JACO Environmental, Inc. of the Snohomish, WA, a suburb of Seattle, WA is doing something about it.

Through a patented process, JACO properly recycles refrigerators and freezers that would other wise speed up destruction of the ozone layer.  With our contracts with utility districts and states, JACO also encourages homeowners to help save energy and cut their utility costs by recycling second refrigerated units or replacing their main refrigerator with a newer, more energy efficient model.

In most cases, electricity customers of the utility will receive a rebate from either the utility company or from JACO if they agree to have their older refrigerator or freezer recycled.  If they replace their current unit with one that is “Energy Star labeled, they can save up to $150.00 per year on their electricity bill!"

JACO will remove the consumer's old refrigerator or freezer for free and will recycle at least 90% of each unit.  At the same time, JACO safely disposes of toxins and ozone-destroying chlorofluorocarbon gases, called CFC-11, from the foam insulation.   This process is so thorough and safe that the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency honored JACO in April 2004 with an international Stratospheric Ozone Protection Award in 2004.

“This award to JACO Environmental is in recognition of the exceptional contributions for global environmental protection", said EPA Administrator Michael Leavitt, former  governor of Utah .

Too see if you qualify for a utility rebate, please go to the "Utility Rebate Pickup" tab of this  web site.

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