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JACO in the News
JACO appliance recycling programs are
making news across the country. Check out the latest news below.
News Stories
Appliances Get Their Own Recycled Clunkers Programs, USA Today
Consumers Energy Customers Can Recycle Old Fridges and Freezers
for Cash Rebates, Flint Journal The utility will pay its electricity customers $30 for recycling second refrigerators and freezers through a program that began last month. (read more) |
For press inquiries, please contact: Michael Dunham, Director, Energy & Environmental Programs (949) 494-6443 [email protected] |
$50 Offered for Old Refrigerators, FOX 2 News, Detroit Ripping old refrigerators apart is creating green jobs, helping the environment and reducing energy costs. DTE Energy and Jaco Environmental are partners in the program where people turning in older refrigerators and freezers are given $50 and the old appliances are hauled away for free and recycled. (read more)
Clunker Refrigerator Rebate Program Hot, Detroit Free Press A Livonia warehouse filled with appliances past their prime is the epicenter of an energy efficiency program adopted by utilities across the state. (read more)
Efficiency Vermont Launches Refrigerator/Freezer Recycling Initiative,
Vermont Business Magazine
Vermont Takes Recycling to New Level, WCAX
Vermont Program Buys Old Fridges, The Barre Montpelier Times Argus
The first refrigerator was collected from the Swanton home of Ellsworth Moore in
front of television and newspaper crews in the hopes of publicizing the Efficiency
Vermont program that wants to collect about 3,000 refrigerators and freezers a year
from Vermont homes. (read more)
Idaho Power Wants Old Fridges Recycled,
Idaho Press Tribune The “see ya later, refrigerator” program aims to help the utility's customers save energy and money on their monthly electric bills. As an incentive to recycle the old appliances, customers receive a $30 incentive check for participating. (read more)
National Grid Offers Fridge Recycling Program, WBZTV, Boston Refrigerators made since 1990 blow the doors off old ones. They are three times more efficient. (read more)
A Cool Green Option: $30 for Extra Refrigerators, Boston Globe,
The Green Blog
Companies Pitch Green
Ideas, Newport, RI Daily News "They've got freon, compressor oils, mercury switches, PCBs and polyurethane foam," he said. "One molecule of freon in the atmosphere kills a million molecules of ozone." (read more)
Giving Up Old Fridges, Freezers Will Pay Off for N.J. Residents,
Newark Star-Ledger
N.J. Pays Cold Cash for Old Refrigerators, The Press of Atlantic Residents who recycle their old refrigerators and freezers will get $30 from New Jersey's Clean Energy Program as part of a new program launched Tuesday. The idea is for people to replace their older fridges with more energy-efficient models. (read more)
Refrigerator Recycling Programming Available Now, Casper, Those who take advantage of the free program will not only save on energy costs, but will receive a $30 incentive for participating in the free recycling program. (read more)
PPL Electric Utilities Launches Refrigerator, Freezer Recycling
Program, Pike County, PA Press For Smeltz and thousands of other PPL Electric Utilities customers, turning in older, energy-wasting refrigerators and freezers is a great way to save money as well as help save the environment by using less electricity and properly disposing of the toxic materials found in old fridges. (read more)
PPL Customers Can Have Old Appliances Picked Up for Free, Standard
Customers will receive a $35 rebate and could save up to $150 on their annual electric
costs. (